September 6, 2017

9/5 Food Log- Hubby's Birthday!

Happy 35th to my love and best friend!

It was a great day of hanging outside in the sprinkler because it was a rare 90 degree temp day, and pre-k orientation for our little one. I'm still in awe that we have a pre-schooler already.  INSANE.

Workout: 6.2 mile run + stretches and abs
Fuel:  another small bite of peanut butter Cliff bar and water.

730am: iced coffee + vanilla coconut milk creamer + over night oats which I looooove.

"2nd breakfast"- 930ish- water and a few more bites of oats.

11:30am- caramel custard yogurt + a caramel rice cake with peanut butter, half banana and cinnamon. (both caramel things were just a coincidence).

130pm- a few triscuits with hummus + a small tomato and cucumber salad/ water.

3pm- a few more bites of cucumbers.

5pm-7pm- chicken nachos  for hub's birthday!!  and homemade chocolate chip cookie cake with homemade chocolate frosting for dessert!  I had one margarita and a glass of champagne with cake!  We both probably had a little too many nachos and later started feeling a bit bloated later on but hey, YOLO.

It was all delish!  I'll be bringing some leftover slices to some family members today. :)

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