September 25, 2014

The Day I Ate Whatever I Wanted: The Book

This Book.

It's a little old. I bought it on a whim at Target three years ago.  The title intrigued me.

You should buy it because you will adore it. And then read it again, and again and again.

This book will not only make you hungry, but it's such a healthy portray of viewing food. I love the authors' writing style. She's very honest and real and I think no matter which chapter you read and enjoy the most, you feel like you completely relate to one of those chapters.  I won't go into too much detail because it's such a unique book, but there's so much love in this book. Food is love. { obvious one }. But also there is family. There is marriage. There is friendship. There is tradition. There is confidence and inspiration.

There is wonderfulness in this book. Oh, and you will cry at some point.  Maybe not buckets, but a tear will be shed.  But for awesome reasons.

 I love to read this book when I finally hit the sack.  Reading lying down usually helps me fall asleep.  And this book overtime has stopped making me hungry! The main food chapter is the first chapter. You'll get used to it and won't want to go downstairs for that last piece of pie or those cookies because you'll be so into this book.  And you'll also be too cozy in your bed to want to get out of it.

Take my word: buy this book.  It's adorable and truthful and wonderful and yummy all at the same time.

And the fact that the first sentence starts with " I began at Dunkin Donuts,"  no brainer to get this book. :)

Does reading in bed help you fall asleep?

Any good reads lately?  I'd love your suggestions.  I'm running low on stock.

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